
GetLinked Offers New Tools To Assist With Financial Integration

GetLinked adds educational tools and information to the website regarding integration

September 2 – GetLinked® reviewed the most common questions from restaurant and hospitality businesses wanting to integrate point of sale, payroll and other systems to financial accounting systems. With the review of these questions, GetLinked has added new tools and information to their web site addressing these specific inquiries and concerns.

The new tools have been created to assist customers when starting the integration process as well as guide them throughout the implementation. The new features include a Financial Calculator to see the actual cost and comparisons between manual and automated processes, diagrams and new Forum topics. These tools help make the transition from manual to automated quicker and easier for customers installing a financial integration system.

For years, GetLinked has helped owners and accountants review and understand how data from their point of sale (POS), payroll and other systems can be electronically connected to their accounting systems. The process of identifying what the customer can expect, what is needed and how to implement are the most common questions asked and are now documented and explained on the GetLinked web site and Forum. These new topics and diagrams help customers integrate their POS systems to their financial accounting systems no matter what system they use.

A few of the most common questions asked are:
How does integration software take my point of sale data (ex. daily sales, payroll, member charges, purchases) and convert it into accounting transactions?
Does integration software handle transactions from multiple locations?
How hard is it to get a system installed and working?

GetLinked Software addresses these technical needs in their software and by adding these new Forum topics provides quick and helpful answers that explain the complete process of financial integration.

The Financial Calculator results usually surprise the customer once they add up the labor costs versus the automation options. Just inputting the number of personnel, the hours and the hourly rate to operate most accounting departments is shocking. Once customers see the benefits of automating the bookkeeping process they know they need to implement a financial integration system.
GetLinked Software supports countless POS and financial systems and continues to develop interfaces as new systems come onto the market. With the GetLinked Software customers can electronically interface their daily sales from all stores into their accounting system either internally or use an accounting firm to handle all the recording details. Business owners and accounting personnel can now setup the interface once and record daily sales, payments, refunds, discounts, processing fees and more to the correct accounts in their financial system. Owners can review their financials in their own accounting system or from anywhere in the world 24 hours a day by logging into a secure site if using a cloud based financial system.

About GetLinked®
GetLinked is a software program developed and maintained by Accounting Solutions, Inc., provider of financial integration tools for over 30 years. GetLinked is a modular system by accounting function and integrates with over 1300 systems. Products and services are available worldwide for many industries including Health Clubs, Public and Private Clubs, Hotels and Resorts, Restaurants, Stadiums and Arenas, Casino and Entertainment Venues, Cruise Lines, Accounting Firms and Bookkeepers, Payroll Service Providers, Institutional Food Services, Franchises and others. read more…

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