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Daily Sales Summary (POSLink - $499.00 Annual - RETAIL)

Pro-Rated: $194.13 Why is this Pro-Rated?

PER LOCATION - Daily Sales Summary software for Point of Sale systems in the retail, hospitality, foodservice and fitness industries. This software module imports Daily Sales Summary data from many Point of Sale systems. POSLink provides you with the ability to electronically transfer daily sales information including sales, discounts, paid-outs, taxes, tenders and more from your Point of Sale system into your financial system. Review the list of systems available in the dropdowns below.

What's Included:
- Use of GetLinked® Software.
- Software updates.
- Access to software downloads, forum, support documentation including installation instructions and various other documentation.
- Access to our Technical Support Staff. Support is sold on an hourly basis for active subscription.

GetLinked® Software is sold on a pro-rated annual basis.
Subscription dates are July 1st to June 30th.

System Requirements:
Windows 7 or greater operating system (English Version).
Visit our Forum for full details on system requirements.

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