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How do I translate customers from Micros GSS to QuickBooks?

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Post subject: How do I translate customers from Micros GSS to QuickBooks?
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:50 am
Posts: 91
Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:56 pm
Translating customers from Micros GSS to QuickBooks is a three step process:
  1. Import customers from Micros GSS.
  2. Import customers from QuickBooks.
  3. Translate Micros GSS customer numbers to QuickBooks customer names.
Step 1:
Open the Receivables Import and Transfer window (ARLink > Import and Transfer).
Using the Insert >> button (highlight #1) select the location(s) you want to import from the Locations Available list.
Select the Customers tab (highlight #2) at the top of the window.
Use the Yesterday button (highlight #3) to set the starting and ending dates.
Click the Process button (highlight #4) to start the customer import.
When the import process is complete a report showing all of the customers that have been imported will be available.
Close the Receivables Import and Transfer window.

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Step 2:
Open the Receivables Location Setup window (Setup menu > ARLink > Location).
Select your location using the location lookup button (highlight #1).
Click on the Transfer tab (highlight #2).
Click on the Setup button next to the QuickBooks version dropdown (highlight #3).
The QuickBooks Receivables Setup window will open.
Click the Setup button next to Import Customers (highlight #4).
Make sure your QuickBooks company is open and click Yes to import customers from QuickBooks.
You will get a popup stating how many customers were imported from QuickBooks.
You can close the QuickBooks Receivables Setup window and the Receivables Location Setup window.

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Step 3:
Open the Receivables Customer Translation window (Setup menu > ARLink > Customer Translations).
Select your location using the location lookup button (highlight #1).
The customers you imported in step 1 will fill the scrolling window.
  • The micros customer numbers will be under the Imported Customer field.
  • The micros customer name will be under the Description Imported field.
  • You can use the Find box to search for micros customers by number or name.
To translate a customer click in the blank Assigned Customer field (highlight #2) and then click on the Customer Lookup button (highlight #3).
  • You can use the Customer Number/Customer Name dropdown (highlight #4) to change the sort order of the customer list.
Highlight a customer and click the Select button (highlight #5). You can also double click the customer to select it.
The customer Assigned Customer field (highlight #2) should now be filled in.

The Assigned Customer field (highlight #2) must match the customer name from QuickBooks.
  • Watch out for spelling errors and multiple spaces between names.
  • If you change a customer name in QuickBooks you must re-translate that customer in GETLinked.
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You are now ready to import transactions for the newly translated customers.

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