GetLinked® Software Forum

Point of Sale and Financial Systems Integration

Where does GetLinked Software typically get installed and can it run from a remote location or in the "Cloud"?

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Post subject: Where does GetLinked Software typically get installed and can it run from a remote location or in the "Cloud"?
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:04 pm
Posts: 91
Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:56 pm
GetLinked Software is typically installed at your corporate office or an accounting server. It is is NOT typically installed on the same computer as the "Point of Sale" or "Timeclock" systems.

Yes, GetLinked Software can be installed and run from a remote location or in the "Cloud" (ex. Right Networks, Cloud 9, CPAASP, more).

It then can be accessed from multiple computers (ex. remote office computer, laptop at home, your accountant's office or payroll service provider, etc.). The database resides at one location so the data stays current and accessible by everyone with access.

Point of Sale, Payroll data, etc. is "Polled" (transferred) to this corporate accounting server on a time basis, usually once a day for each location.

On the financial side GetLinked Software interfaces with hundreds of accounting and payroll systems and services. Some of these accounting and payroll services now have products in the "Cloud" (ex. Intacct, Net Suite, QuickBooks, etc.). GetLinked Software can directly link FROM these systems importing Account Numbers, Employees, Customers, Vendors and more. GetLinked Software also directly "Transfers" balanced transactions TO these systems either in the Cloud or hosted at remote locations.

GetLinked™ Software can be installed at any remote location (ex. your accountant or payroll service provider) that has internet access. If you have the same technical skills to install the most common windows software remotely you can install GetLinked Software as you would any other program.

Installation instructions are provided for active customers on our technical support page. It is easy to purchase GetLinked Software Subscriptions (GSS) and services (ex. technical support time) through our online store at any time.

GetLinked Software is provided as an "Annual" Subscription per module, per location.

If support time is purchased there is no initial setup required from point of sale, payroll or other technicians in order to "Poll" data from the original source. We may contact the customers technical personnel or outside technicians if needed (ex. logon passwords to locations system) once our technicians have evaluated the location setup and data needed.

You can remote in and run GetLinked™ Software just as any other remote program in windows using software programs similar to Microsoft "Remote Desktop Control". Other remote software programs are available via computer stores and online internet sites. Accounting Solutions, Inc. does not supply or endorse any particular remote software program.

Please review other Forum topics for more details:
How does the subscription work per location and other costs? What are the benefits of keeping my subscription current?
Installing GetLinked at a Distant Business?
Does GetLinked™ Software have remote polling capabilities?

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