First, let us show you what GetLinked Software will do for you!
The following sample screens (DRDR spreadsheet) show import features and capabilities of the POSLink module (Daily Sales Summary):
![[ img ]](
Below is information and a checklist for you to get started:
ABC Fitness Solutions provides multiple methods of extracting financial data from their system to GetLinked Software.
The two most common methods are:
- 1. Through an API (Application Program Interface). This is a direct link that GetLinked Software imports data FROM the database called "DataTrak". GetLinked software imports “POS Transactions”. Currently the available information is Sales and Taxes.
2. Through the exporting of reports from DataTrak. The current exports include the following:- - “Daily Revenue and Deposit Reconciliation” spreadsheet export from DataTrak. This spreadsheet is referred to as the "DRDR" export.
- “POS Revenue and Collection Summary” spreadsheet export from DataTrak. This spreadsheet is referred to as the "POS_REV_COLL" export.
- Most club owners run these report on a daily basis from their computer.
- GetLinked Software imports this data, validates it and transfers a balanced journal entry to your accounting system electronically.
- Specific transactions include: Total, ABC Member Billing, Member Billing Collect at Club, Club Account ABC Collected, Club Account Club Collected, POS Club Collected, Third Party, Profit Center Including Tax, Sales Tax and Profit Center Excluding Tax and more.
- Imported by: Total Revenue by Payment Type, Total Revenue By Profit Center, Sales Tax and Total Deductions and more. - - “Daily Revenue and Deposit Reconciliation” spreadsheet export from DataTrak. This spreadsheet is referred to as the "DRDR" export.
- Ability to import a single day or multiple days at one time.
- Annual subscription costs less than $3.97 per day at the annual retail price ($1,449.00). The annual GSS pricing after the first year has been discounted as low as $799.00 (less than 2.19¢ per day) for active customers who continue to purchase annual subscriptions without interruption or non-payment.
- For volume orders (ex. 100, 200 or more) site license pricing options are available. Please inquire at Contact Us for more details on these options.
- PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. How much money can GetLinked Software save me annually?
- Editing capabilities once your transactions are imported into GetLinked Software. You can review and edit transactions if needed before you transfer them to your accounting system.
- Calculations for amounts such as Over/Short. You set the variance amount and it will calculate it automatically.
- Internal controls to prevent double-transfers of transactions.
- Over-ride capabilities for authorized personnel to re-import and transfer balanced transactions.
- Counters to track number of times transactions have been imported and transferred.
- Active customers have access to our Customer Login site for downloading GetLinked Software and technical documentation that includes basic installation, setup and daily processing procedures.
- MORE...
Checklist to get started:
- 1. Click here for our online Store. The Daily Sales Summary ("POSLink") is the module you need to purchase to import your ABC Fitness Solutions transactions. You can purchase your subscription and all services at our online store.
2. Telephone technical support is also available and sold separately if needed for current customers. It can be purchased on an hourly basis at our online Store under Support. ALL SERVICES ARE SOLD SEPARATELY.
If you purchase telephone support our technicians will set an appointment with you via telephone (and remote control) to load the GetLinked software and train you and your staff. The initial installation usually takes about an hour over the telephone and that is the amount of technical support we recommend you purchase for your initial location.
Please review the topics listed below for details on the subscription and services.
How does the subscription work per location and other costs? What are the benefits of keeping my subscription current?
How does technical support and the reserved Forum site work with Getlinked Software?
We are ready to purchase GETLinked Software. What are the steps to purchase the software and support?
I have an additional question. Where can I find an answer?