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Unhandled Object Exception Error

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Post subject: Unhandled Object Exception Error
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:39 pm
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:25 pm
Company Name: Fonn Enterprises
Today when trying to transfer time sheets to Quick Books I got an error message that read
"Unhandled object exception:
Nul Reference Exception


The setup I am using has worked several times in the past with no errors. This seems like a program error not a data error but I can't be sure. Any help would be appreciated.

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Post subject: Re: Unhandled Object Exception Error
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:41 am
Posts: 91
Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:56 pm
Hi Shoney,

The most common cause of this error message is a new employee who does not have the "Use time data to create paychecks" check box marked.
GETLinked has a feature that will connect to your QuickBooks company and check this box for all employees with an hourly wage.
  1. Open the Payroll Location setup window by going to Setup > PRLink > Location.
  2. Select the location you are using for payroll
  3. Click on the Transfer Data button at the lower right corner of the window.
  4. Click on the Setup button next to your QuickBooks version.
  5. You should now be on the QuickBooks Payroll Transfer Setup window.
  6. Click the Setup that says "Set QuickBooks "Use Time Data to create Paychecks" and follow the on screen prompts.
  7. You should get a message stating how many hourly employees were set / already set.
If any employees were updated then there is a good chance that the "Use time data to create paychecks" check box was the cause of the problem.

If all of your employees were already set then the next thing to check would be incorrectly mapped pay codes or employee id's. It is possible to have a pay code or employee id mapped in GETLinked when that pay code or employee has been deleted from QuickBooks. Transferring hours to that missing pay code or employee can on rare occasions cause a crash in the transfer process.

You can often identify where the transfer process failed by opening the Payroll Import screen (PRLink > Payroll Import) and checking the Tnsfr # column. As you scroll through the time records the Tnsfr # column will change from 1's to 0's where the transfer process failed. You can use that information to double check the employee id and pay code mapping for the first "0" record.

If you continue to have problems with the transfer please reply to this post and we will continue to troubleshoot.

Thank you for your question.

GETLinked Software

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