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How To: Setup Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains) with SQL scripts.

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Post subject: How To: Setup Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains) with SQL scripts.
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:39 am
Posts: 91
Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:56 pm
GETLinked Software installations in Microsoft Dynamics GP sometimes require a small amount of manual SQL configuration to work correctly. The SQL scripts referenced below can be run using the SQL Server Management Studio. We recommend making a fresh backup of the Microsoft Dynamics GP databases before proceeding.

There are two (2) SQL scripts required:
  • 1. GETLinked_Initial_Tables.sql
    This script creates the initial tables in your Microsoft Dynamics GP system database and should be run BEFORE you install GETLinked Software . This creates the tables used to store your GETLinked Software registration information. If the tables don’t exist Microsoft Dynamics GP will freeze during the login process.

    2. Dynamics_POSLink_Permissions(two).sql
    This script is used to grant permission to the required tables in your company database after they have been created by the GETLinked Software “Create initial tables” setup button. This script must be run against each Microsoft Dynamics GP company database that will be used with GETLinked Software. The script is set to run against the sample company “TWO” and will need to be modified to reference your specific company database.

    To modify the script change the first line “use [TWO]” to reference your company database name. For company database “ABC” the line should be “use [ABC]”.
The two SQL scripts listed above can be downloaded from our support site: ...

If you need help installing these scripts consult your Microsoft Dynamics GP (GreatPlains) dealer or IT technician.

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